A Serial Killer's Nightmare


This one doesn’t realize that I’ve been watching her for weeks. They never do. Especially these days with their faces buried in their phones and their headphones blaring in their ears. It is so easy now, it could hardly be wrong. 

She is just getting home from school. It’s Thursday - date night for Mommy and Daddy. Which means she’ll be home alone until she invites over her friends - one who immediately raids the liquor cabinet and the other who ransacks the pantry for Little Debbies. I’ll wait until they are all there - the more the merrier. 

I enjoy watching them as they get settled in front of the tv with their treats. Absolutely no care in the world. They will regret it.


I already regret inviting them over. It’s always so hard to make Jen leave after she’s had a few drinks, and Tiffany always ends up eating all my favorite snacks. If I’m being honest, I just hate being alone - I’ve been getting the creeps lately. I should not have watched that stupid true crime show on Netflix. 

Jen takes a sip of her drink (stronger than usual if I can smell it from the other side of the couch), and looks at me with a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. Shit… what is she planning? 

I guess it’s whoever rang that doorbell. 


Well, this is a surprise. 


Dammit Jen! I can’t believe she invited Billy and Josh without running it by me. Yes, OK, they are the hottest guys in our class… but I am practically in my pajamas! I’m so glad I decided not to forgo the bra tonight. And here come the drinks … my parents are bound to notice how much has gone missing this time. Fuck, I’m going to be in so much trouble. This better be worth it.


Like I said, the more the merrier.


I can’t believe Billy is in MY bedroom right now. Looking at me, talking to me… I can’t hear a word he is saying with those luscious lips of his. I want to feel them so bad…oh, fuck it, why else would he be up here?

That sounded like Tiffany screaming. I don’t remember them starting a horror movie when I went upstairs. Shit, more screaming, what the hell? 


That felt amazing. It was even more thrilling to see the look of terror on her face when she walked into the living room and saw the masterpiece I had created with her friends. She finally saw me, standing to the side with her Mother’s kitchen knife. That is when she screamed. A lovely scream I’ve been dying to hear. She ran back upstairs - to the boy she thinks will protect her, no doubt. I won’t be far behind.


I’m sorry Billy, but I am getting the hell out of here. I can climb out the bathroom window onto the roof, then shimmy down the columns out front. I haven’t done it before, but I’ve run through it in my head a million times in attempts to sneak out. I’ve always chickened out. But after what I saw downstairs, I’m too terrified to chicken out now. Was that Billy screaming?




Ok, it doesn’t look that far down? I can do this. I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die. OH NOOOO!

Where is he? How long was I out? Oh my god I have to run, but my back. NO. 


Aw, she got pretty close to getting away. Time to claim my prize.


I can’t scream, I can’t move. But as soon as he draws the knife close to my chest, I can’t help but grab his arm and push him off with everything I have. 


Oh god, I want to throw up. But he seems out of it too. I’m so glad I have enough to start running - and my throat is so sore from all the screaming I’ve been doing. Why aren’t my neighbors coming out? Wait… where are the houses? Where am I? How did I end up in the woods? Just keep running. Yes! A light!

Lots of confused faces in the log cabin I just barged into. Where the hell do I begin?


If I hadn't had to vomit, I would have had this knife plunged into her heart already. This place looks familiar…


Of course these drunk teenagers at their weird 70s throwback party think I’m crazy. Thankfully, this one girl stopped them from kicking me out and handed me her Tom Collins. Maybe he ran off? Her bell bottoms are amazing. 

Holy shit! Did he just kick the fucking door in?? 


There you are. 

And there YOU are??


I’d be scared shitless right now if I wasn’t more confused as to why this madman was having a “moment” with the girl next to me. Why is he just staring at her? 

Her screams at his bloody knife and the chair hitting him across the head was enough to knock them both back into gear.There is so much screaming behind me as my bell bottom girl drags me to the back door and out to the garage. God, even that car is straight from the 70s. Wait…

She needs to stop shaking - she keeps dropping the keys! 

Something isn’t right.


The first time this happened, she got away. I knew where to be this time. She is shaking too much to start the car, and crying too much to hear my breathing in the backseat. It will be perfect- she won’t escape this time.


How is he so strong?! He was so intent in slicing her, he didn’t see me reaching over to grab his arm back. Thankfully she had enough sense to escape. I hope she comes back for me. I don’t think I can fight back for long. No… I can’t let him win.



That sickness again. There is vomit all over the car, but it’s not mine. This is also not the same car? But I’ve been here before. I’ve killed here before.


That SMELL. The nausea and the stench of blood was too much. I vomited all over my soon-to-be killer, but he seems too confused to even care. When I catch his eye, he looks…. scared? This is NOT the same car. What is happening? We aren’t even in the same woodsy area. Outside the window is a parking lot to a movie theater and GREASE is on the marquis. There is a trail of blood leading out from the car to the center of the parking lot.

Oh my god - she is still alive. He’s gone.


It’s her again. When I tried to finish her last time, the movie had just let out. I didn’t want to risk being caught. Why tease me with these second chances with kills I never finished? How is this happening? 


Not breathing in blood clears my head now that I’m out of there. I should run, but the look on her face when she notices the madman is not something I can walk away from. She recognizes him and he seems to recognize her. This is fucking crazy, but are we time traveling?

My Mom’s knife….this needs to end. I hope this works, I hope this works.


The looks of terror on her face makes me so happy, but I know I will have to leave soon. But I can be faster this time. 

It stings. I can feel the warm blood trickling down my back. It’s cold... Hell, here I come.