"Wow, No Thank You." By Samantha Irby

I laughed so hard, I cried.

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My Mother bought me this book, and I don’t think she realized what it was about. I’m not going to lie, at first this book made me a bit sad. In the first couple of chapters, "How could you live like this???" and "Don't you know you are slowly killing yourself??" were just a few frequented thoughts that kept popping up in my head.

But I'm strict and sort of crazy when it comes to my "ideal" lifestyle. I put myself in check when I realized Samantha Irby at least had the balls to admit all this to the world. Then I suddenly found myself laugh/crying out loud at her most mortifying moments, mostly because I've had similar traumatizing scenarios. It felt SO GOOD to know someone has had similar experiences and is voicing them out loud. Samantha Irby became an instant best friend. In the end, I felt bad for being so judgmental in the beginning of the book, to the point where I went back and reread those first few chapters (attempting to cover up my judginess). I'm sorry Samantha! Keep up the writing and thanks for being a voice for so many women!

Pub Date: Mar 31, 2020 Page Count: 319 Pages ISBN:9780525563488

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