Stranger in the Dark

This story is not about being a hero, but it's the truth.

A couple years ago, I tried catching up with "The Walking Dead". I was just finishing up season 3 when I decided to spend the weekend at my Dad’s. His little secluded house is in a town called Beach Park where, despite its name, there are no beaches. My Mom was also visiting from Florida, so needless to say, they were excited that I was staying. Being the perfect daughter I am, I arrived at the house, said my “hellos” and went straight to the guest bedroom to watch "The Walking Dead". 

I say guest bedroom, but at this point in time my Dad was still working on most of the house. Which meant there was plastic tarp hanging down from the ceiling, floors were lifted in order to be replaced, and some rooms didn’t have doors installed yet - including mine. Used to the scenery, I comfortably plopped down on the bed and started up the show. This was when "The Walking Dead" was actually worth watching. But honestly, I wouldn't know. It was the last night I watched the show for reasons I'm about to share.

I was a few episodes in when I first heard it. I looked up suddenly at the small window in the bedroom. I heard it outside. I could only see the dark of the night, so I told myself it was an animal. I mean, the backyard practically opens up to a forest.  It wasn’t rare to spot a deer or fox every once in awhile. I shrugged it off, but soon afterwards I heard it again- a scraping noise this time. I paused the show and stared at the window. My heart started beating a bit faster - I didn’t want to get up and take a closer look outside . I was scared of what I would see. Zombies? No, don’t be silly. Nonetheless, I was on high alert. 

Ears perked and heart racing, I stared at the window in complete silence for about 5 minutes. I finally started to loosen up but then I heard it again - this time at the front door. At this point I was completely convinced someone was trying to break into the house, and were going to murder me and my parents. I snatched whatever item I deemed a weapon, which sadly was the remote control, and ran into the closet. Like most other rooms in the house, this didn’t have a door either. I looked down at the remote in my hand and realized how ill-equipped I was! I would not be able to protect myself from this enemy. I needed help - I needed protection. 

I decided to risk my life and slowly crept out of the closet. My head was thumping as my heart threatened to explode out of my chest. I stood there for a moment listening…. there it was again! I bolted and ran into the adjacent room my Mother was staying in. THIS ONE had a door. I shut it behind me, breathing heavy, eyes bulging out of my sockets. My Mother was sitting up in bed watching a t.v show (thankfully not about Zombies). She casually turned to look at me (I was still holding my defense weapon), saw the look on my face and asked, 

“Um… is everything okay?”. 

“MOM. No. I don’t think so. I’m not too sure” (Oh, I was completely sure) “I think someone is trying to break in.”

“Kayla, stop.”

“No, I’m serious.”

“Well, go check.”

“No way. I’m not going out there.”

With a deep sigh, my Mom got up from bed. As she did, she had a chance to take a really good look at my face and finally saw the fear in my eyes. Naturally, she started to get a little worried herself. She tried playing it off like I was joking around so she went to go open the door. I slammed my hand against it and kept it shut. 

“No. What if someone is out there?!”

“Well we have to find out!”

She opened the door and urged me to head out of the bedroom. Racked with fear, my body was frozen still. 

“I can’t Mom, you go.”


With a solemn look on my face, I handed her my remote control. 

She slowly crept out of the bedroom, one small step after another. I followed very close behind, one hand on her back. When the time came, I wanted to be ready to throw her to the murderer and run for my life. I’m kidding of course. But then again, I was dumb with fright.

She kept whispering back to me, insisting no one was here. And then we heard it.


It was at the front door again. My Mom stopped moving so suddenly that I ran into her. I clutched at her shirt when I heard the noise. In a timid voice I didn't realize she was capable of, she asked out into the darkness,

“Is… someone….... there???”

A tall, bulky shadow emerged-  half visible, half behind a wall. It stood staring at us.

I felt my Mom stop breathing and go still as stone. Then suddenly she let out a blood curdling scream.

I've heard my Mom scream a lot from all the horror movies we've watched, all the roller coasters we've been on, and all the times we would jump out to surprise each other. But I had never heard my Mom scream like this. It was reminiscent of a classic horror movie moment when the character sees the monster for the first time or finds a dead body in the bathtub. Her scream was so intense that I actually was less frightened and more embarrassed. Surely the shadow about to murder us would freak out and run out the door!

But the shadow stood still and spoke,


"Oh my god, Roger?!"

My brother Roger, decided to make a spontaneous visit that night and brought his laundry. The front door kept opening and closing because he kept going back for more clothes.

What did I learn that night? A few things:

  1. I can no longer watch The Walking Dead
  2. I should probably stock up on baseball bats
  3. My Mom needs to audition for the next Scream movie
  4. Roger must always announce his arrival 24 hours beforehand
  5. Being a hero is not easy

The day you find yourself face to face with terror, you will also, more than likely, hide behind your Mother.