I Think I'm Ready Now


I was returning home from school, walking down Winona St. It was a foggy day, and I tightened my grip on the the straps of my backpack when I noticed the fog becoming thicker. I already knew I was dreaming- I wasn't in school and didn't live here anymore. But there was no threat in playing out this dream. In addition to the creepy fog, there was absolutely no wind and it was extremely quiet. It felt like I was the only person in the world. 

I decided I'd go in the back, so I cut through a neighbor's yard I used to cut through in waking life to get to the alley. The fog was almost touching the ground now, but I encountered two big pear trees on each side of the yard. I definitely didn't remember these from my childhood, and I was pretty sure they were never there. (Later on, after telling this dream to my Mom, did she confirm that there actually were pear trees in this yard. It's weird how only my subconscious had access to those memories. What else are we hiding in there?). I slowly approached one of the trees and saw one of the pears start to detach and fall. It was the only thing I saw move other than myself, so the sudden movement startled me and I tensed, waiting for it to hit the ground. But wait, it didn't. 

The pear stopped about a foot off the ground and started floating away. For reasons that can only make sense in dreams, it suddenly clicked that I could fly here. In an instant, I threw down my backpack and kicked off the ground with my heels. The next thing I know I'm soaring into the sky. This wasn't a typical flying dream of mine. All previous ones have been pretty tame. I'm usually only a foot above the ground and more floating, than flying. In those dreams it's like I'm training to fly. 

This dream was completely different - I felt everything. Everything from the chilly wind on my face, to the wet fog clinging to my clothes, to the adrenaline flowing through every inch of my limbs. Most of all, I felt pure joy. I was smiling from ear to ear as I flew in circles and loops in this backyard. I couldn't believe this was happening! A flying dream that I was in control of! 

I wanted to go higher. Dare I? I escaped the confines of the yard and flew above the electric lines and telephone poles. The fog up there was so thick, that it covered my outstretched arms up to my elbows. I immediately slowed down. But the moment was serene and delightful. I didn't want it to end... until a few moments later. 

As I was delicately swimming with my arms outstretched in front of me, someone hidden in the fog suddenly grabbed both my arms. Their hands felt so real that I thought someone was actually holding me in my bed back in the waking life. I was in shock and literally scared stiff in my dream. As I floated there in terror, I heard the other person's thoughts in my head.

"Isn't this great?!" I knew that chipper voice... it was me. This was very confusing. Why was there another me here? Dream me wouldn't let go, but emitted such positive vibes. Her attitude was exactly what I was feeling just a few moments ago. I felt her happiness, her thrill of excitement, her feeling of comfort and safety. I wanted to feel all of that again! I knew I wasn't supposed to be scared anymore, but I couldn't shake off the initial shock. I startled myself awake and laid in bed half-relieved, but also half-wishing I could be back, flying around with dream me.