The Sweet Side of Online Dating


Within the limits of my house, 

I could feel you drawing nearer. 

And with the click of my mouse, 

Your face became clearer.


Simple words on a page sparked a fire, 

And kindled a passion that would never tire.


Then the day finally came when we would meet, 

And down the lane I approached on my two feet. 


In front of Cole's you said!

And I nervously waited.

But my eyes were finally fed

When you stepped out and had them sated. 


A word here, a drink there.

It was all dandy and a really nice time, 

But you really got me going when your hand touched mine.


My heart skipped a beat, 

Maybe two at a time.

Your eyes were so sweet

And melted into mine.


And now I sit here with you by my side,

My friend, my love, my light and my guide.