"Eyes Wide Open: Learning to Suffer" by Jason Sharp

You really need to stop complaining , sit down, and read this book.

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If you’re looking for a leadership book, this is one you have to read. I recently became a manager last year, so I’ve been reading a lot of “Manager Essentials” and “How to Lead a Team” types of books. However, this one takes the cake. I say this mostly because it’s honest and you can tell it comes from the heart.

The first half of the book is about Jason’s life - which was absolutely insane. It involved homelessness, abuse, expulsions, drugs, prison, and cancer. Needless to say, this part of the book humbled me and made me incredibly grateful for the childhood my parents built for me. I was lucky. So many people and children are struggling and just get handed a shit life, but that didn’t stop Jason.

His story was motivating enough already. I was at the gym the other day, about ready to give up mid-set, but remembered Jason’s 40% rule. If you think you can’t push anymore, just remember you’re only giving 40%. And sure enough I finished my set AND another! I was already making positive changes and was only halfway through his book at this point.

In the second half of his book Jason focuses on leadership skills. He outlines them in a way that is easy to follow and gives practical examples that could apply to any career or lifestyle. I found myself taking notes and bookmarking pages - it was hard not to. I appreciated the depth and range it covered because it wasn’t just about being a leader at work. He also dove into parenting (I am not a parent, but I 100% will come back to these pages if I ever do become one) and personal life.

Definitely recommend this one for all types of readers!

Pub Date:July 31, 2023 Page Count: 309 Pages ISBN:N/A

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