"The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World" by Melinda Gates

An inside look to a small part of the Gates Foundation.

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For awhile I’ve been curious about what the Gates Foundation actually does and how it originated. Melinda Gates does a great job telling her side of the story from her beginnings of being one of few women in a tech company to leading this world renowned foundation that has put increasing effort to empowering women around the world.

I’m always skeptical of rich and powerful women writing about how they help save the world. However, after reading this book my harsh judgments have softened. It’s like Melinda knew what I was thinking because on numerous occasions she brought it up herself. Her willingness to be open and tell us about her family struggles (which she was in no way comparing to the struggles of those women her foundation supported) was also very vulnerable of her. She was right in saying that women create networks and strive to support each other - when one of us is vulnerable, then others want to hold them up.

Other than learning more about the foundation and Melinda Gates, the stories she shared about the work she has done are amazing, educational, and insightful. This is me being naïve again, but I didn’t realize how much work women were expected to do around the world but lacked proper education and resources to do that job. The Gates Foundation changed cultural mindsets, helped communities provide these resources to women, and in turn, saw results of improved economies and family lifestyles. It was definitely empowering.

Pub Date:April 23, 2019 Page Count: 273 Pages ISBN:9781250313577

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