"Becoming" by Michelle Obama


Empowering and surprisingly relatable.



I found myself taking more frequent walks throughout the day, but needed something other than music to keep me preoccupied. Hello audiobooks! I’m fairly new to audiobooks and, until recently, have limited my selection to only what my husband had already downloaded on Audible. But then I discovered this place called The Library. Through a few clicks on the internet, I had my digital library card and was so thrilled to see all the audiobooks they had available to borrow! Michelle Obama’s “Becoming” was my first pick.

I live in Chicago, where Michelle grew up, and it was such a delight walking through the city and hearing her describe her home and everything she loved about it. That is what started “our” connection throughout the book. I’m also always surprised with memoirs. Yes, I know they are going to talk about their life, but I guess I was expecting Michelle to start off her book while she lived in the White House. Instead she started at her beginnings: her family, her lifestyle, her struggles, her hopes and dreams. She is a great storyteller and I was easily sucked into this book.

I took away two main values she emphasized throughout her story;

  1. Be prepared to put in effort to fulfill your dreams.

  2. A Family is a unit and decisions are to be made together.

I came away from this book with a new role model, tips on pursuing the activities I love, and a fresh perspective on marriage.

Pub Date: Nov 13, 2018 Page Count: 426 Pages ISBN: 978-1-9821-3797-7

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