Lady Gaga's Entourage

I open my eyes.

The room is dimly lit with romantic candlelight, and there is one long dining table in the center of it. There is an extravagant feast before by eyes. Upon second glance, I realize the feast is variation upon variation of spaghetti and meatballs: Spaghetti Bolognese, baked Spaghetti, two cheese, bacon carbonara, skinny, garlic, garlic butter, Spaghetti Aglio, turkey chorizo, roasted tomato. It seems to never end. The table is seating about 20 people and although we all are craving to slurp up every noodle, everyone expectantly looks up at the doorway into the dining room.

Suddenly, Lady GaGa steps into the doorframe and a shadow of her entourage appears behind her. All the guests start whispering to each other:

“Oh my god! I can’t believe she showed up!”

“I love Lady GaGa!”

“This is the best moment of my life!”

I look over to my left, and I am surprised to see my cousin next to me. She seems surprised also - but I’m not sure if it’s because I’m there, Lady Gaga just showed up, or from the extravagance of the pasta.

Lady Gaga is wearing a dress made entirely of colorful and vibrant feathers. Every time she moves, the iridescence gives her dress an entirely different shade of color. It is beautiful. She clears her throat and the entire hall of hushes cut into silence.

“Let’s go party.”

Everyone looks at each other and then they look back at the food they were craving a second ago. The room fills with the sound of chairs scraping away from the table and feet are shuffling out of the room following Lady Gaga and her entourage. Needless to say, my cousin and I follow suit. I am sad to leave the pasta though.

Every moment after that is a blur of partying, dancing, and drinking. As we near the end of the night, members of the group start to taper off (for good reason). Lady Gaga is near impossible to keep up with. While on the Purple Line, Lady Gaga decides she needs to pry open a speeding train’s door and jump off onto the platform. I see her and my cousin jump off together, but all her fans too terrified to jump were in my way. I miss the platform.

No worries, I’ll jump of the next one and catch up… something easier said than done. The next platform comes up so I hope to God I time it right, and don’t hesitate when I jump off and roll out onto the platform. I don’t want to waste any time, so I fly down the stairs to street level and run through traffic like Frogger on speed. I look up to see a massive bird flying above me, but I realize it’s Lady Gaga and my cousin jumping from building to building. I need to get up there quick, and luckily there is a ski lift down the street. I jump into a car and the the ski lift takes me up to the top of a building. Before it stops, I jump off and start running towards where I saw them last. I should be scared, but I’m running so fast that it feels natural when I take my first leap to the roof next door.

Finally, I catch up and find Lady Gaga and my cousin spray painting graffiti. The sun starts to rise and with all her makeup sweated off over the night, I can finally see Lady Gaga’s face - she looks extremely bored. We leave the bottles of spray paint and head down the stairs. We exit out into a dark alley and at the end is a gas station with a parked limo. Lady Gaga’s face lights up,

“Oh I know that person! He is super famous!”

My cousin and I exchange exasperated looks that say, “What now?”

As we start to approach, we are beat to it by these masked bandits that end up robbing the “famous” person and try to hijack the limo. We quietly walk away in the other direction…

The night (or morning) comes to a close and the three of us are doing some R&R in a massive bubble bath. This isn’t a snazzy hotel as one may expect. Instead we are in a very old and shabby apartment. I suspect it must be under construction because the bathroom doesn’t even have a wall. To add to my suspicions, the bathtub curtains are black tarps and there is no light other than the sunlight dawning in from the windows. My cousin needs to use the bathroom. As she gets up to leave, I start to wonder if there is even a working toilet. But I can’t finish my thought because Lady Gaga starts to make out with me. Stunned, I suddenly realize I’m being dragged out of the bathtub. My cousin throws me a robe and we run away from Lady Gaga.