A Not-So Grandma Adventure

Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house we go. The cart knows the way to carry the prey that try to hold onto their souls.

Grandma has been kidnapped, and we need to save her.

What do we know so far? She has been kidnapped by a demon, dragged to hell, and we need to find the hidden doorway that will sneak us into eternal damnation.

My brother and I wake up to find ourselves tied to a furnace in a tiny basement. 

I'm rightly confused in our whereabouts: "What happened? How did we get here?"

My brother looks at me with a dazed look, apparently still trying to shake off the drugs that knocked us out: "I know we were close to finding the doorway."

"I really hope we aren't too late. We've already wasted too much time, and now we are some prisoners in a basement... and we don't even know how we got here!"

During my minor freak out, we hear a door creak open at the top of the stairway. We both look up and as the person descends the stairs, their body slowly comes into view. First we notice the red Converse, then the skinny jeans, and then realize they're carrying a plastic tray of non-appetizing mush. Were we kidnapped by Vegan Hipsters? But as the full body comes into view, we can't control our gasps that follow. They don't have a human head, because it's a dinosaur. A raptor's head to be exact and terrifying. The dinosaur head tilted to the side to stare at us with its big yellow eye. He dropped the tray of food at the foot of the stairs, pushed it over to us, and slowly walked back up. So not only were they weird and terrifying, they were rude.

This proceeded to happen for the next couple of days, but each food serving presented a different dinosaur that wore different colored Converse (but the same skinny jeans). We encountered a stegosaurus with green Converse, a brontosaurus with blue Converse, and then the raptor again with his red Converse. Given our kidnappers extreme disinterest in us, we assumed they were ordered by someone, or something, that didn't want us to continue our journey. On the bright side, we were just thankful the raptor hadn't eaten us yet. 

In parallel, my brother and I started to worry that our Grandma was lost forever. With dwindling hope, I leaned my head against the furnace and stared into the hot burning flame. A flame that was strangely entrancing and seemed to be getting bigger and brighter.

I shook my brother awake: "Hey! I think I found the doorway!" I opened the furnace door and a wave of heat hit our faces as we both peered inside. After our eyes adjusted to the brightness, we saw a mine railway surrounded by flames that led into an orange and red pool of fire. At the top of this railway there was a miner's cart, with room for two people.

We heard the floors creak above us as our dinosaur kidnappers were prepping to come down with our food. My brother and I looked at the cart, and then looked at each other. In a unison gulp, I'm sure I read his mind when I thought, "Grandma better be at the end of this road".