Things My Dad Says

No introduction needed - this is simply my Dad.

Me: "Dad, do you have mouse traps?? I think I just saw a mouse!"

Dad: "Go to bed."

Family exits vehicle.

Dad: "Where are my keys?"

Me: "Dad, the car is still running."

Me: "Less than 5% of the population has the same blood type as Roger and I."

Dad: "You better sell that shit."

Dad: "Goodnight guys!"

Kayla: "Night Dad!"

Dad: "I'm talking to the birds."

Dad: "That's what we are going to do. I'm going to buy a sailboat and we are all going to sail around the world until we die."

Me: "I need to see The Walking Dead."

Dad: "I see them every morning."

Me: "You watch The Walking Dead??"

Mom: Raises hand and frowns. "He means me."

Dad: "Are you up??"

Me: In bed. "Yes?"

Dad: "Go make sure the fridge door is closed."

Dad: "I'm bringing a stripper... ME."

Dad: "Nuahhhh, nuahhhhhhhhhh"

Watching "Prometheus" trailer:

Dad: "This is just like Alien. Wait.... wait! It's another people! It's another people!

Me: "You mean colony?"

Dad: "You can't refund tattoos Kayla!"

Every time a monkey did something smart in Planet of the Apes:

Dad: "Come on! Monkeys can't do that!"

Dad: "Give him a slow death, a slow one. Make it last a year or more."

Scene in movie: French spy gets shot multiple times, manages to drive away, crashes through a brick wall.
Me: "Did he just drive through a brick wall??"
Roger: "Must have been an old wall."
Dad (completely serious): "Mannn, this movie is deep."

Dad slides down a staircase railing at a school he's doing a job at.

Teacher: "What are you doing?! You're setting a great example for the kids.

Dad: "I couldn't help myself."

Me: "You need to stop using my shaving cream."

Dad: "But it's so soft."

Dad: "You need to find a guy like that Kayla."

Me: Looks up and sees Prince William on the screen.

In reference to Don Draper in Mad Men:

Dad: "My life was just like that. Except my Mom wasn't a prostitute."

And then that other time we saw Mad Men:

Dad: "They are all man-whores."

Dad: "So I told Rick I'd set him up with a blind date. But I said, 'Rick, I have to warn you, she is blind.' Haaaahaaaaaa".

Dad: "It's got a lifetime warranty on it. That talks right there."

Dad's Obsession with Costco