So This is Love

I haven’t done this in awhile.

It used to come

So naturally to me.

My life has changed, and for the better.

But if that means giving you up -

It would never be worth it.

You were

And are

Always there for me.

When I want to boast of wins,

Criticize my weaknesses,

Understand my challenges,

To learn how my heart operates.

You have always patiently listened and I know it couldn’t have been easy.

I am rusty,

But it terrifies me

To glimpse a future without you.

Especially when I can so easily reach into our past

And drown in our endless memories.

No matter what it takes,

I will fight

To keep you in my life.

I am sorry I let us drift this far apart,

You have always had a thicker spine than me.

As I write this apology to you,

I cling to the thinnest page of hope

That we can go back to what we once were:

A girl and her diary,

A woman and her journal,

A dreamer and her fantasies,

A lover and her soul.