Moments of Time: In Front of the Looking Glass

I see me, I see me.

I can not see through me.

Dark hair and those dark eyes that

Fail to comprehend meanings they witness.

An obstacle within myself - the Byronic hero.

A reflection that surely must know.

How is it my perception became so blurred?

Not understanding my own mind is assured!

I see me, I see me.

I still can not see through me.

Need I advice from Mother, nay, human nature

Wordsworth! Give me your cure!

I read your words, such natural words,

And I can see, yet am still not heard.

By others, yes, they hear me loud.

But who cares for them whilst I’m in this dense cloud?

I see me, I see me.

The physical finally starts to fade, but how slightly!

A bird’s song commences and I’m forced to glance away,

I only hear you Nightingale and you are so far away.

Need I sing in order to perceive?

Or is that song with meaning deceived?

Sing a song encompassing ignorance?

No, it is too late to be pure, a hopeless chance.

Who will satisfy this desire,

Quench this thirst and feed this fire?

Must I look for a guide?

I already have two beings - one on each side.

I see me, I see me.

Yes! I can see through me.

All that embodies my being

Is visible, no longer teasing.

I stand in front of the looking glass,

Suddenly absent of human mass.

I can see through me, I can see through me.

And I feel my fear rising as I realize

I can not see me, I can not see me.