"Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds, & Shape Our Future" by Merlin Sheldrake

Entangled Life: How Fungi will eventually save us, or annihilate us.

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Merlin Sheldrake introduces us to mycology in “Entangled Life”. Although just a sliver of knowledge, it was amazing to read how many types of fungi are out there, and what they are capable of (which can be pretty terrifying). It was even more marvelous understanding how we can use fungi to save our planet and ourselves. Don’t worry - this book wasn’t strictly about saving the planet.* It really did focus on various forms of fungi, their symbiotic relationships with plants, and how they network in the Wood Wide Web.

Sheldrake really hammered in the fact that we hardly know anything. But what we do know has already made a huge impact. I mean we are already using mycelium to replace plastics! You can read about the technology here: https://ecovativedesign.com/ .

He also introduced me to my new favorite term: “involution”. It’s the inverse of evolution! Life doesn’t just branch out, it was fungi that proved it, and I’m totally geeking out about it.

Great read - I highly recommend this one! If you end up liking this, you would also enjoy “The Hidden Life of Trees” by Peter Wohlleben. It was actually one of my first reviews and got me back into a good reading rhythm. The post may be read here: Do You Know How Trees Work?

*Not that I’m against saving the planet! I just know there are A LOT of books out there about saving the planet and eventually you find yourself rolling your eyes and thinking “not another one”. But YOU SHOULD read at least one or two of these books - there are many different ways we are destroying our planet and many ways we can help protect it. So it actually is not just “another one”.

Pub Date:May 6, 2020 Page Count: 366 Pages ISBN:9780525510314

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