What I Think About This Face Stuff

Yes, I know this is not a typical post- but I have a lot of sides to me ranging from a deeply insightful and creative individual to a very basic consumerist. I encourage you to embrace all your sides!

My cousin and I used to swap videos of ourselves giving personal reviews of beauty products we received from subscription boxes. We don’t get those boxes anymore, but I’ve tried a few new things and figured I’d just post on here since I didn’t post anything last week! I’m makeup-free in this video so you could get a sense of what my face routine has done for my face, but what helps most is staying hydrated, regular exercise, and eating less processed food. I seriously break out when I eat an oily pizza or hamburger now. It makes me so sad! But I’m glad my body is good enough to let me know - “Hey! That stuff is bad for you!” Then proceeds to prove it by giving me a terrible zit the next day.