Is Anybody Out There?

I was recently introduced to a man named Greg Marshall, whose job title is Chief Storyteller. When Greg took over as presenter in that Zoom call, I gathered none of us in that group were expecting what was to follow next. Greg told us a story - a deeply impactful story that forced us to reflect on ourselves and how we were making ourselves present in the world, if we even were. With constant quarantines in the city, I personally found that I was retreating deeper into a hole and was doing a poor job at being present for my family and friends. Even if it’s just a phone call, we all just need a little encouragement and support from one another to make it though these tough, lonely, and weird times.

Look at us,
Getting number by the minute,
By the second.
All because of a little bird, a face, a clock...
A list of icons that never seem to end.

Look at us,
Shrinking into ourselves,
Into our bubble.
We deceive ourselves into believing we are present.
But with each swipe, we bury ourselves deeper into the technological rubble.

Look at us,
Gaining a preference to relate more to strangers
Than to nurture a friendship.
Is it that we are intimidated or lethargic?

Look at us,
Scrolling through memes
Until our thumbs are stiff and our eyes beg to be hydrated.
Addiction can be hard to admit.

Someone out there needs us.
All we need to do is look up.