Stars and Butterflies

He walks into the room and I am surrounded by stars and butterflies.

His air, his smell, his appearance

is even greater than the loveliest of nights.

He shines brighter than the moon and his confidence sparkles with the stars.

I am his forever

if he will shine his light towards me.

He is almost too beautiful to behold!

But his light is a drug to my vulnerable eyes.

I crave to be near him and to bask in his glorious aura.

Yet timidity and fear overtake me.

What of my light?

In the darkness that envelops me, am I capable of emitting a mere glimmer?

I pause to contemplate these fears and find that I have shrunken back into my pathetic, dark corner.

But wait! A voice speaks to me and I look up into the light of a blinding sun:

Allow me to venture along this path,

For the dark always holds such deep mysteries,

I will light the way, under one condition,

That you be my guide and help me to unravel these histories.