The Loner

Paige was hungry.

Starving. And the stir-fry wafting through the air was making her drool. She took in a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and walked towards the food truck, trying to appear casual in her roughed up jacket, torn tights, and dirty plaid shorts. Thankfully her beanie was covering up her greased up hair she hadn’t been able to wash since…. since they found her. But she escaped, and now she was hungry.

She walked with her head up high, but slowly and carefully. It took everything not to squint. This was a huge risk, but she knew this was the only time slot to go when there was no one around. When she reached the food truck, Paige assumed there was a menu displayed, but didn’t even bother looking up at it.

“Hi! It’s my first time here, I’ll just take your most popular item.”

The cook stared at her and replied,

“Pad Thai it is.”

A few minutes later, Paige was finished with her meal and hiccuping uncontrollably from eating the spicy dish so fast.

Suddenly, sirens started to blare and lit up the parking lot. Paige glanced up and saw two cops questioning the cook. The cook pointed in her direction, but when the cops looked over, she was gone.

Getting rid of the GPS tracker in her wrist prevented them from getting her exact coordinates, but there were cameras everywhere. That is, everywhere there were people. She turned down into an alley and slid between two dumpsters. She crouched there motionless. “HICCUP!…. Dammit!”

Running footsteps approached the alley.

“I think I heard something.”

The footsteps walked towards the dumpsters and Paige. She held her breath and smothered her nose and mouth with her hands.

“Damn, it’s so dark. Did you get the upgrade yet? The new OS has a NightHawk feature.”

“No - I’ve been working the desk mostly. Didn’t have the need to wander through dark alleys until this girl decided to screw everything up.”

Just then, a huge rat scattered through one of the cop’s legs.

“Holy shit!!!”

He ran back to the car while the other cop laughed so uncontrollably, he got a stitch in his side. Grabbing his stomach, he said,

“I can’t wait to replay that one to the guys.”

Once Paige heard the car leave the lot, she gasped for air. No more hiccups - but that was clearly the least of her worries. She crept out of the crevice she was hiding in and unbuttoned her jacket. She reached into the inside pocket and pulled out a small cloth. Then with the utmost care, she reached into the other pocket and pulled out a pair of thick, black-framed eyeglasses. She delicately wiped the lenses and put them on.

It was the most satisfying feeling as her face muscles relaxed, and her eyes adjusted from the straining. With more confidence, she ran further back into the alley and found the stairs that led to her hideout. It was the back entrance to an abandoned church basement. She hated churches and the statues definitely creeped her out (especially if she walked by without glasses on), but it was keeping her safe. Not for long though - Paige needed to get out of the city, away from people, away from eyes.

The latest escape drained her, and with a full stomach, she wanted nothing more than to sleep. She curled up on her makeshift mattress of priest robes and altar curtains, and placed the glasses gently on a ledge. She was thinking of her sister when she fell asleep.

Paige was sitting at the dining room table, when she received an incoming video call from her sister, Ana. She smiled as she answered,

“Hey girl - it’s been awhile!”

“No kiddingggg. Having a kid was THE WORST idea ever.”

“Oh shut it, you spoil him rotten.”

“Yeah, yeah.” As Ana chuckled, her thick black frames slightly fell down her nose and she shoved them back up with her middle finger.

Paige laughed, “Ha! I guess I’ll never get special treatment though.”

Ana put her face closer to the camera, “Never. I love being a hard ass with you.”

They both looked at each other and if anyone else were present, that person would be able to read the connection in the sisters’ eyes. They looked at each other like they were each other’s halves, simply because they knew they were.

Ana fidgeted in her chair, “Listen, I actually called for a reason. Donnie and I talked and we’re going to opt in for V.L.”

Paige actually stood up from her chair, “Wait, we were just ranting about people that got Virtual Lasik a couple months ago. We agreed that shit fucks up your mind!”

“Paige, I know, I know. But a lot…. no, not a lot… ALL the Mom’s at Jason’s school have done it and seriously swear by it. They explained how much more productive they are, how much fun it can be, and plus I don’t have to wear these stupid glasses anymore.”

“But I think those look cute on you. I’ve always wanted a pair like that.”

“Oh my god, stop. I seriously feel like the only person that wears glasses anymore other than my family. But it’s not even for people that have shitty eyesight. People with perfect vision get the procedure for all the other benefits. Plus it’s not fair to Jason that his classmates get to experience things he can’t. The schools are even starting to incorporate lessons that can only be completed with them and…”

Paige sat back down, and grabbed the computer closer to her. “Ana. People are really having their kids get V.L.? I swear, I saw that on the news, but most of that stuff isn’t real anyways. I need to get out more…”

Ana looked pleadingly, “We both do, and maybe it’s time to keep up with the times.”

With concern, Paige glared back at Ana, “I don’t like the idea of some computer program adjusting my sight, my perspective on the world. Doesn’t it scare you? What if the program got into the wrong hands?”

“Ok, now you’re just being paranoid,” teased Ana.

“Well, you were paranoid with me not too long ago. Did these Moms really change your mind so easily? How could you be so gullible?!”

Ana’s face reddened and grew hard. She replied, “Paige, stop. You need to grow up and like you said, ‘get out more’. You’re such a loner.”

Paige looked up at Ana, tears swelling in her eyes.

Ana’s face softened, “I’m sorry. I’m just frustrated with feeling like such an outcast. It’s hard for me and Donnie, but it hurts to see Jason like this. Hey, at least when I get V.L., you can have my glasses.” Ana smiled at Paige.

Paige was awoken by wet tears trailing down her face. She grabbed the black-framed glasses on the ledge and put them on. Laying back down, she recalled her dream, her memory- whatever it was. But at least she could take comfort in knowing it was her own.