Iz Ze End of Ze World

The French have declared war on us. The French have declared war on us. 

Us? You mean the Americans? 

No. The French have declared war on the world. 

We live in an unfortunate world where Donald Trump is President of the United States (which actually may be our reality this year) and is deporting all Serbians in the U.S. back to Serbia. In the meantime, we just found out that the French have declared the 3rd World War. Can things get any worse? Apparently so.

I wake up in my bedroom- it's dark but I notice 7 dark figures sitting around the room, watching the TV at the foot of my bed. In the doorway sits a Golden Retriever. I lay in bed pretending to be asleep, and although my eyes are half closed- my ears are wide open. They are 7 Serbians in hiding - in my bedroom! They are watching the news to get the latest updates in where the U.S. is hitting next. The U.S. Government has been capturing all Serbians and sending them to camps. (Thank you Nightingale - great book, definitely recommend the read.) All of a sudden, my front door crashes open and federal agents capture the Serbians in hiding. I remained "asleep" during this, but the dog was running around frantically confused of what was going on.

The next day, I intercepted a letter that was left at my apartment for someone else:

"She was asleep. The dog is the only witness - kill it."

No! Not the dog! :::BANG::: Too late. The dog was killed and taken away so quickly that I didn't even see it happen. Saddened by these unfortunate events, I proceeded to go to work.

Our office and labs are on the 4th floor, and as I went up the stairs I could tell that everyone was trying to act normal, but I knew everyone was anxious about what was going on in the world. No one dared to talk about it publicly though. Then the news came that our company was about to sell a product that was going to make us billions! Our engineers and scientists had developed a serum that had the equivalent force of a nuclear bomb. NO. And who was our customer? That's right, the U.S Government. NO. NO. NO. I couldn't let this get into their hands, into HIS hands. I looked for the Engineer carrying this serum and found him in the hallway. He was running around frantically, practically talking to himself, and holding the serum in a syringe. "I need to hurry. I need to hurry." He just kept repeating it and mindlessly set down the syringe on a tray next to the railing, and ran away. Over the edge of that railing led to the Atrium on the first floor. This was my chance.

I walked by the tray, and "accidentally" knocked it over the edge. In slow motion, the syringe fell down. The serum and syringe were so light though, that is started to float like a paper airplane. It was going in a direction I did not want it to go. In the middle of the Atrium, there was shrubbery and in that shrubbery there was a long glass tube protruding from the ground. Everyone knew what it was - it was a tube that led to the core of the Earth. It literally was. The syringe floated towards this tube and I felt my stomach tighten as it straightened out, faced downwards, and slid perfectly down the glass tube. WHAT HAVE I DONE? I just sent a nuclear bomb to the center of the Earth.

In a state of shock - I went back to my desk, but before I could sit down there was a rumble... then another rumble. IT'S ALREADY STARTING. I looked around to see if anyone else noticed, but they were all so engrossed with work and no doubt worrying about the French War against us and the deportation of Serbians to camps. So I went back to work like everyone else, knowing that it wasn't Trump or the French that would eventually end the world. It was me.