A Real Love Poem

This is a love poem.

Un poema para mi y para ti. 

I make my intentions clear and release these words to be free. 

No hay nadie más - you are the one my dear. 

Mirame a los ojos and witness the sea of stars I’ve sailed.

The course was so long and arduous,

I was convinced I had failed. 

Then you smiled…

And that beacon of light steered me away from the bumbling wild. 

Ven aquí - come and lay on this bed of roses with me.

To embrace my silken touch and breathe in the sweet aroma of desire.

Pero cuidado, there are thorns aplenty. 

And you must learn which ones come from passion or from fire. 

Come closer still and hear my breaths quicken.

I offer you the air I breathe and will never regret what I’ve given.

Soy tuyo para siempre, 

Pero forever is not enough. 

When our mortality comes to an end,

We will fly to the stars,

Jump feet first into a black hole, 

And start all over again. 

Tu eres mio - mi amor, mi alma.

The reason I live another day.

And as we star in this love story drama,

The rest of the world fades away. 

But simply words, nothing is what it appears.

And, yet again, I wake to face life and its endless errors. 

I recite this love poem as the tears run out my mascara,

Never brave enough to admit - todo es mentira.