Now you see me, now you don't

Hair: Dark, brown
Skin color: Olive
Height: 5’5
Eyes: Dark brown
Super power: Ability to disappear and appear at will.

I don't actually disappear into a void - that would be terrifying. I just become invisible. My skin, hair, and nails bend light around itself, so that it casts no shadow and produces no reflection. This goes for anything it touches as well, so tight-fitting clothing works best.

What’s the trigger? Pure willpower and concentration. After grueling years of clearing my head and nosebleeds, I can make it happen now within an instant. In the beginning this wasn't the case. I was about to give up until I saw Kill Bill. That scene with Uma Thurman determined to move her big toe in the Pussy Wagon- that did it. I didn't have a Pussy Wagon but my bed would suffice. I sat up against my pillows, stretched my legs straight out in front of me, looked at my big toe, and wiggled it - yes, you're the one I'm going to make disappear. Two hours later, it was gone. Rest assured, I didn't wet the bed like Uma did. 

You have to let go of everything. And letting go of everything is not easy Friends. Especially if you've had a fucked up life. Luckily for me, I didn't. (Thanks Mom and Dad). Every thought, every feeling, every sensation needs to vanish - that is your goal isn't it? My trick was to pretend that I was exhaling everything out of my nose. My body goes absolutely numb and tingly when it happens. At first when I stood up, I'd fall back down in fits of laughter because it was like standing on a leg that fell asleep. I eventually became used to this new sensation of nothingness. I do wonder what effects it has on the brain, because I feel quite dazed during this process of becoming invisible.

Once everything has escaped and you're invisible, it's all gone. You feel pretty much lifeless. You're still aware of your surroundings, but you're in a euphoric state. So at first it was hard to get back, because I just didn't care to. I could have been that way and invisible forever if I hadn't been in my bedroom. I had recently hung up a picture of my brothers and I playing in a water park when we were children. I remember that day - I got a little rock stuck in my big toe. Coincidentally, the same one I decided to make invisible. When I saw the picture I recalled the sting of something cutting my toe, and the absolute horror of a 9 year old when I discovered there was a rock in my foot.  It might have been that, or just seeing how happy my brothers and I were in the picture. That stimulated my emotions, but my body was still numb and I was still invisible. Feelings back, an absolute wave of terror swallowed me when I didn't see my reflection in the mirror.

It was like I was in a bad dream, so I tried all my different "wake-up" methods-  I screamed, I punched my legs, I turned on a light switch, and I tried pinching my arms. But I was already awake! I was so desperate I did all those things over and over again, becoming a human Bop-It. It wasn't long before I noticed something moving in the mirror. It was me! Thankfully, all of me.

What did it? What was the trigger? Determined to figure this out, I would become invisible over and over again. Each time I wanted to come back I'd perform ridiculous, but methodical movements. Soon realizing I'd become visible after a great number of them - as long as they got my heart pumping. Ah-ha! It was either the sudden increase of my heart rate, or it may be the increase of oxygen in the blood. Who knows - I’m still in testing phases. For now, I run in place really fast if I want to become visible. It's not very efficient, but at least I come back. I also always carry the picture of my brothers and I at the water park. 

Now that you have an idea of how this invisibility power works, I’m sure you’re wondering what I do with it! Honestly, the first thing I wanted to do was steal things. That was short-lived as it didn't pan out like I had hoped. One, I couldn't run away or else I'd become visible. You're probably thinking, "Kayla, you're invisible, why would you even run?". Well my Friends, I wanted to run because I was still so god damn nervous in getting caught. And guess what? That increased my heart rate. And if you aren't a skimmer when you read, you'd understand why I didn't want that to happen. Stop skimming.

Currently, I become invisible for my safety. On late nights out, I can walk home safely by becoming invisible. I also might want to avoid being Cersei-shamed after going out, meeting some guy, and spending the night at his place. No "walk of shame" for this girl! But my favorite sport is scaring my family and friends. I'll "go to the bathroom" and come back slamming cabinets and moving curtains around. Their faces are priceless and that will never get old. Maybe one day I'll do "good" things for others, and maybe even be called a Superhero. But we all know that with great power comes great responsibility. I'm not ready for that, so let me have some fun.