Dear Mom

It is my Mom's birthday today, and I forgot.

Usually I would send her flowers, write her a poem, or make her something cheesy that only she would like. One year I made her felt flowers, each pedal listing a reason why I loved her. More popular gifts involved trips to the dollar store down the street where my brothers and I would purchase a trinket - typically a praying candle, or a small music box. She always looked so happy receiving these gifts, and each time I felt so accomplished after seeing her smile. But now I remember her chuckles when handing her these cheap gifts, and realize she was probably mostly amused and wondering what random gift I'd get her that year. But she made it a point to make me feel special, even though it was her day.

I know why I forgot. The days are going by too quickly: the new job has been incredibly busy, I'm trying to be a responsible adult and stay on track with appointments, I'm back in the dating world, and it's 40 degrees out- so it doesn't even feel like January. All of a sudden it's January 14th. 

My Mom is 56 now, and I think most people see her as this outgoing, motivated, and caring woman who is incredibly talented at thrift shopping. She is all those things and so much more. She has been my hero, my nemesis, my advisor, my friend. She's been in the way of my "true loves" (thank god) and she was always trying to keep me up with the trends (at which I failed miserably). She introduced me to Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, The Carpenters, and The Mamas and the Papas. She taught me how to wear mascara and to put on lipstick. She took me to my first musical and it was magical.

She helped me with all my spelling tests, with all my homework, and might have done some of it...  

She taught me to stand up for myself and to defend those we love. Most notably a time when a 13 year old girl threw a ball at my brother's face for "staring" at her ass. At which my Mom yelled at her from our front porch, "You stupid Bitch, you have no ass!" 

Although I don't see her or talk to her as much, she is still a huge influence in my life. When I feel like I can't accomplish a task or if something is "too hard", I always think of her and what she has been through. She always finds a way to get the job done because she never gives up. My Mom is the strongest person I know. 

So yes, I forgot my Mom's birthday. But I will never forget my memories with her and how they've shaped both of us into the people we are today.

I love you Mom, and Happy Birthday.