You already know I love you, but Merry Christmas

Costco, gingerbread houses, and Justin Bieber were all a part of my Christmas this year. I loved every second of it.

My family has always had a nontraditional way of celebrating the holidays. Most of it stems from fully knowing we love each other very much. Therefore, we don't need to waste energy buying gifts and making fancy dinners to remind others that we care. My Christmas this year was spent shopping around Costco with my brother and Dad and eventually eating $1.00 hot dogs with them. I also have to mention my brother's choice in ordering a 530 calorie Churro - who cares, it's Christmas!

At home, we didn't snack on a roasted ham with mashed potatoes and green beans. No. Instead we snacked on leftover rice and burnt pork tenderloins made by my Dad (manning the BBQ in his snow suit, even though it was almost 40 degrees out). In the meantime, we endured my Dad's recent obsession with Justin Bieber. There are some things we just can't answer. We had Bieber videos on repeat, while watching Dad try to mimic the Bieb's dance moves. All that had to be put on hold when my other brother and his girlfriend showed up - we can't embarrass him too much.

Then began the Gingerbread House competition. Thanks to my great retail connections, I was able to obtain 3 free build-your-own gingerbread houses and decided to make it a Christmas event. Being able to express our creativity was extremely rewarding. I loved seeing the designs my brothers came up with and each house really represented each one of us in the end.

We topped off the night with hot chocolate and (not intentional) fruity marshmallows, and bad movies. Really bad movies. We all know that doesn't matter though. Spending time with my Dad and my little brothers meant everything to me. Where's Mom? In sunny Florida. I wish she could have spent Christmas with us, but I know I'll see her soon.

Here's to another lovely Christmas.