Advice from a Chihuahua Over Coffee

I need a coffee, BAD. If I'm going to complete this scavenger hunt throughout the city, I'm gonna have to muster up all the energy in me. Mmmm... the hot paper cup feels so good in my freezing hands. 


Did I just hear something? 

"Psssssst. Yo chica, mira abajo."

Is it coming from my coffee?? I stopped mid-walk, placed my coffee cup on a ledge and popped off the lid. Soaking in the coffee, a mini Chihuahua looked up at me. 

"Chica, if we're going to win this thing, necesitas escucharme."

A bit weird that there was a pocket-sized dog in my coffee. But this Chihuahua's look of determination had me convinced that YES, I must listen to him.

From beginning to end, I had listened intently to his advice in order to win this scavenger hunt. A lot of obstacles came close, but I always ended up pulling through. Cafe Chihuahua was cool and collected - he was all logic. What seemed impossible to me, was always possible to him. 

"Todo es posible Chica. You just have to think it through before you act."

So I did. And I won. I won still holding this cup of Chihuahua in my hand. While standing in disbelief in the city square, he looked up at me, slightly shook his head, and with a small smile said:

"Let's get a refill. Este cafe esta frio."